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“Research reveals that high levels of joy and caring touch between a parent and child helps to wire the brain to form emotionally healthy neuropathways, resulting in a life-long ability to develop emotionally intimate, empathetic and caring relationships. Infants who receive FirstPlay® experiences early on gain an inner sense of security and esteem which—as they grow—help them to better calm and self-regulate their own emotions.” Janet A. Courtney, PhD

FirstPlay® Infant Massage Storytelling was founded by Janet Courtney, Ph.D, LCSW, RPT-S. She is Certified as an Advanced Infant Massage Educator and has also received training from the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami. Janet’s career and research has focused on attachment and bonding between young children and their parents. As a holistic oriented practitioner, she believes in the power of massage and joyful first-play touch activities (for example, patty cake and peek-a-boo) as the best start for infant mental health. You can check out her Dr. Courtney's TedTalk on "The Curative Touch of a Magic Rainbow Hug" here.


FirstPlay® is for infants ages birth to toddler. As a Certified FirstPlay® Practitioner, I will instruct, guide and supervise you in the activities of The Baby Tree Hug Massage© ~ a playful interactive story illustrated in the FirstPlay® Parent Handbook (that you will be able to keep).


This infant play therapy model enhances parent and infant bonding and attachment. In FirstPlay® sessions, I will demonstrate the storytelling movements on a babydoll while you simultaneously practice the playful techniques on your baby.


As a licensed clinical social worker, FirstPlay® sessions can be submitted to your healthcare provider for mental health reimbursement if you are experiencing postpartum depression, anxiety, PTSD or any other adjustment disorder. For more information regarding insurance reimbursement, click here.






To learn more about FirstPlay® and to set up a consult, schedule a group, or buy a gift certificate, please contact me

For more information visit: 

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Mother and Baby on Floor
Mother Playing with Baby

Bryn Mawr Location
100 Chetwynd Drive Suite 201

Bryn Mawr, PA 19010.  

Chestnut Hill Location
7945 Germantown Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19118

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